Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How goes the war?

So quick post on the war on terror. I was checking out the news feeds via google reader (great re-design by the way) and saw this story coming from AP - "Two U.S. soldiers charged for abusing Afghans". The gist of the story is once again, American troops are abusing detainees and how this will "further erode public support for international troops, now fighting a war in Afghanistan that has entered its eighth year."

Ok - I got it. But why isn't there any good news coming out of these wars? Is there anything that should be praised or highlighted as exceptional or worthy of commendation because the US has taken it upon themselves to intervene in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Thanks to the folks at blog.americasnewstoday.com we at least get a reminder that there is some good coming out of our troops presence. The story is entitled 'What the Media Won't Show You: The Face of Freedom" and is short story with this caption:
A grateful refugee camp resident in Kabul, Afghanistan, kisses U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. (Dr.) Yevsey Goldberg, who helped bring more than 550-kilograms of rice and other supplies, Dec. 6, 2008. Goldberg is deployed to International Security Assistance Force Headquarters.

The pic is below and one has to wonder why the AP and other news outlets don't highlight the great work that is being done by the troops.