Saturday, July 31, 2010

From Brietbart - America Loves Stallone and Stallone Loves America

Over at the Big Hollywood site run by Brietbart they have a snippet of an interview that Stallone is giving at Aint It Cool News - a fanboy site for all things cinema.

It is great to here Sly's take on the action heroes of today (did anyone see Adrian Brody in Predators - come on!!) and what the 80's and early 90's action heroes epitomized about America.

Stallone's money quote is "...I believe that everything is a cycle. And once again America will have its cinematic heroes reflect the incredible honor it is to be defending the most extraordinary country the planet has ever known. Just give it time, everything is a cycle."

I hope Sly is right he we will move away from Adrian Brody and others who demonstrate more of a "feminized" version of the arch typical hero and get back to the awesomeness of Stallone, Willis, Arnold and others who did it right.

I for one am looking forward to the Expendables.

Tks to Big Hollywood for noting this great part of Stallone's interview.

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