Friday, July 31, 2009

The cost of healthcare reform

Ok - so if I understand this correctly, the cost of healthcare reform will not balloon the deficit and of course the debt. As CNS News reports Obama stated "I have also pledged that health insurance reform will not add to our deficit over the next decade, and I mean it."

Anyone with half a brain must know that this claim is pure fantasy. The Government does not save money or run things efficiently. The Government just prints more money or raises taxes instead of making the sacrifices that real people have to make and never tightens its belt. Why should it as the Government would lose some of its control over the lives of its citizens?

For those of you that think the Govt health care system is the way to go because costs will go down, there won't need to be rationing and it will be Shangri-La I submit a story I first saw on Drudge.

The story entitled "Govt to suspend 'cash for clunkers'" noted that:
Congressional officials say the government plans to suspend the popular "cash for clunkers" program amid concerns it could quickly use up the $1 billion in rebates for new car purchases.The Transportation Department called congressional offices late Thursday to alert them to the decision to halt the program, which offered owners of old cars and trucks $3,500 or $4,500 toward a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle.

What a surprise. The Government offers rebates (which is money coming out of the citizens' pockets) and the response is so overwhelming that they might need to shut the program down due to the money being all used up.

Remember this when you hear the health care stuff coming from the White House. The minute there is 'free' health care, there will have to be limits set as the Government cannot afford to have everyone at the drop of a hat, sign of a sniffle, ache in the back run to the doctor. It can't. There isn't enough money to cover that sort of scenario and there will have to be rationing (i.e. the Government will have a limit on when you can go to the Doctor).

As the saying goes, if you think Healthcare is expensive now...wait till its free.

Also from the CNS News story, the President said "Can I guarantee that there are going to be no changes in the health care delivery system? No. The whole point of this is to try to encourage changes that work for the American people and make them healthier."

What is next - mandatory Neighborhood Physical Education. Maybe we should have a government official come into our house and monitor our diets?

We are losing some freedom every single day.

Outspoken Roman

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Check out this Glenn Beck video

Glenn Beck nails it! He asks the question 'When Will We Take Obama at His Word?!'

Why can't we look at the President's words and take them at face value? Why is anyone surprised by his attempt to remake so much of the country? Why does his inexperience draw incredulity? Why does his obvious inherent bias against white policemen shock anyone?

Video of Beck driving home the point is here. This is required watching. Preach on brother Glenn!

Update - The AP is reporting that "Fox's Glenn Beck says he believes Obama is racist"

Why would the President even comment on something like this (and default to the usual politically correct line) when he didn't know all the facts?

"I don't know all the facts but the new Health Care reform project is socialism".

"I don't know all the facts but cutting the planned F-22 deliveries is moronic".

"I don't know all the facts but Henry Gates was having sex with a squirrel during his arrest".

"I don't know all the facts but Michael Jackson is a freak".

Interesting approach.

Outspoken Roman

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I am back and thoughts on Beer

So it has been awhile since I had posted but I had taken a long vacation (well deserved?) and reviewed some of the comments I had gotten from readers. One of which was don't you ever do anything fun? So as we all focus on the crap that is coming out of Washington, I will also take some time to look at the lighter side of life and the various things happening in and around the Bay State. One fun thing we did was to tour the Anheuser-Busch brewery up in Merrimac, NH. We had a very good time although the weather wasn't the greatest and I sampled some of the new brews (favorite was the Beach Bum Blonde) that both me and Mrs. Roman liked. She also was partial to the Michelob Ultra brew that came (in one choice) flavored with fruit (Grapefruit and Orange I think). Definitely not the ultimate man's brew but I admit it was a pleasing summery type drink. I also sampled the BL Lime. I remember a beer that was out a while ago called Tequiza that was also a Budweiser product which has since been discontinued. I recall liking that product a lot more than BL Lime but again, a good summer brew I suppose.

A good time though and of course I really enjoyed the free brew. BTW my favorite was the Amberbock by Michelob.

A shout of thanks to the folks at Merrimac for having a great tour. Head over to the Michelob website to play the "foam game". A game I am sorry to say I have never played before.

More to come. It is good to be back.