Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Can I back post?

Trying to see if I have the option to post retroactively...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Blogging from MS Word

I found this great link here that helps me blog right from Word via a shortcut on my desktop. I love the flexibility that MS Word offers and of course I like that it has a nice spell check and capitalizes all my "I's".


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Withholding of Tax Returns

States may hold onto tax refunds for months - USATODAY.com


This really frosts me - refunds mean that we as citizens have overpaid the government and it is just scary that delivering our $ back to us could be put on hold because of the Government's budget issues. I wonder if we as citizens can earn interest on the money that we are owed.

This is why people should fear Government and want it as small as possible. The Government has its own rules - if it needs $ it can print more, not pay its bills or tax the citizens more. It does not need to live under a balanced budget (or a budget at all) and can basically exert control over its citizens in ways that would by scary if written in a political thriller rather than what we see each day.


Why do we vote for larger/bigger Government and feel it can do grander things (such as solve the healthcare problems) if it cannot even balance its own (state or federal) budget? And people who thought that the fears of rationed care were unfounded. Wakeup!!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Four-day school week?

Reading the local Fox station's rss and see that there is a growing call for a 4-day school week to address budget gaps. In my opinion, this is actually the very wrong thing to cut to address budget woes. As it stands (according to this story in the Boston Examiner "Eight graders from the United States rank below students in many Asian countries when it comes to Science and Math, according to The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study."

Do we really want to make budget decisions that could dramatically impact the future of US children? Aren't there other things to cut (I can probably find some "diversity initiatives" to remove)? This is a bad decision.

Ok - some of you are saying, the school days will be longer. But what is the impact to sporting programs that are played after school? Here locally, there is a 1/2 day every week that the entire school is dismissed early. If the teachers are paid for a full day's work, why not (at a minimum) use that day for a full day of instruction?

Here is the link to the story - Four-day school week?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Iraqi leader willing to ask some U.S. troops to stay - CNN.com

Ok - I called this a way before the election.

We (the US) are there for the long haul and the American People, Congress and President should realize that.

Iraqi leader willing to ask some U.S. troops to stay - CNN.com

Falmouth boy, 7, faces assault and battery charge | Greggorey Ball-Roemer |

I am divided on this - Assault and Battery for a 7 yr old?

Falmouth boy, 7, faces assault and battery charge | Greggorey Ball-Roemer |

Falmouth boy, 7, faces assault and battery charge | Greggorey Ball-Roemer |

I am divided on this - Assault and Battery for a 7 yr old?

Falmouth boy, 7, faces assault and battery charge | Greggorey Ball-Roemer |

City’s police sharpen their watch on crime - The Boston Globe

Interesting take on Boston's new crime fighting initiative. Would like to hear a follow up story and the crimes that were prevented..

City’s police sharpen their watch on crime - The Boston Globe: "As part of a new crime-fighting initiative unveiled yesterday, Boston police now have the ability to witness shootings, robberies, and even homicides on many city streets from computer screens at headquarters and then distribute crucial information about the suspects and the crimes to officers heading to the scene.

FOXNews.com - Demon vs. Phantom Ray: The World’s Deadliest Drones

Been awhile since I had chimed in but been busy. Trying to get back into it and will start with a good story on UASs and their use in military operations (tks to Fox News).

FOXNews.com - Demon vs. Phantom Ray: The World’s Deadliest Drones: "The U.S. is investing billions of dollars in drones, the unmanned aircraft that are key to the modern military."

What is BlogThis! ? - Blogger Help

Not sure if I had found this before but this is a great feature to have on your browser.

What is BlogThis! ? - Blogger Help