Sunday, March 14, 2010

Withholding of Tax Returns

States may hold onto tax refunds for months -


This really frosts me - refunds mean that we as citizens have overpaid the government and it is just scary that delivering our $ back to us could be put on hold because of the Government's budget issues. I wonder if we as citizens can earn interest on the money that we are owed.

This is why people should fear Government and want it as small as possible. The Government has its own rules - if it needs $ it can print more, not pay its bills or tax the citizens more. It does not need to live under a balanced budget (or a budget at all) and can basically exert control over its citizens in ways that would by scary if written in a political thriller rather than what we see each day.


Why do we vote for larger/bigger Government and feel it can do grander things (such as solve the healthcare problems) if it cannot even balance its own (state or federal) budget? And people who thought that the fears of rationed care were unfounded. Wakeup!!


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