Saturday, July 31, 2010

Should you freeze coffee

I love coffee and am a fan of having the freshest coffee I can get. I have invested over the course of some years in a number of one cup brewers (current fav is the Keurig) and even have a french press. One misconception I have been under is that it is good to freeze coffee. Not so fast!!

This site makes a convincing case that it is not a good thing to put the coffee in the freezer. Quoting
Some people store their coffee in the freezer thinking it is going to keep the coffee fresh. Here are a couple of reasons why storing coffee in your freezer is a bad idea:
Coffee is porous. This is a good thing for fans of flavored coffee as the beans absorb the coffee flavoring syrups and oils that are used to make flavored coffee. However, if given the chance, coffee can also absorb other things like the flavor of seafood or the moisture that your freezer produces. This moisture will in turn deteriorate the coffee and even make it taste like, well... like a freezer.
When coffee is roasted, the beans release their oils and essences to give the coffee its distinct flavor. You'll notice these oils are more prominent on dark-roasted coffee and espresso. When you break down these oils by freezing, you are removing the flavor.
Think about it...if coffee tasted better and fresher from the freezer, then you would buy it in the frozen food section, your local coffee shop might look more like an ice cream parlor, and our power bills would be through the roof trying to maintain a meat-locker the size of a warehouse.

So there you go. Coffee should not be stored in the freezer. A one time use of the freezer to store unground coffee beans is "ok" but for regular use, definitely not a good practice.

Hey I didn't know that.

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