Monday, October 22, 2007

Harry Reid has guts – but not in a good way

Ok so I already blogged about Rush Limbaugh’s comment on phony soldiers. What makes this story more interesting is that the Democrats in Congress actually sent a letter to Mark P. Mays, president of Clear Channel, the parent company of Limbaugh’s radio broadcast which said in part “We call on you to publicly repudiate these comments that call into question their (the “phony soldiers”) service and sacrifice and to ask Mr. Limbaugh to apologize for his comments”. You can see the actual letter here.

So Limbaugh puts this letter on Ebay for auction with the money going to a charity for the children of fallen Marines and the letter nets a cool $2.1 Million, which Limbaugh matched for a total donation of $4.2 Million to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation. Story from Fox News here.

Harry Reid, Democrat Senator from Nevada actually had the nerve to say:

“Never did we think that this letter would bring money of this nature... I don’t know what we could do more important than helping to ensure that children of our fallen soldiers and police officers who have fallen in the line of duty have the opportunity for their children to have a good education.”

First off Mr. Reid, you have some gall taking credit for this at all as Limbaugh is the one who raised the money to help the “children”. Why the hell isn’t some network news anchor smacking this guy verbally upside the head for having the balls to say something like this? He (Reid) is giving him and his anti-first amendment cronies a verbal pat on the back for doing something so “important” when he should be hiding his head in shame (like that will happen) for actually using the supposed power of Congress against a private individual. And the left thinks the Republicans abuse power.

Secondly, I didn’t see Reid acknowledge the generous contribution that Limbaugh gave to this “important” cause for the children of fallen soldiers and police officers. Limbaugh donated $2.1 Million of his own money to this charity and has done pledge drives during his syndicated show annually. Certainly if Reid is looking for credit shouldn’t he also acknowledge Limbaugh as well? Quick – I need a pic of Harry Reid with a dumb look on his face.

Final thoughts about this issue. Limbaugh raised (and continues to raise) money for a charity supporting the children of our real heroes. What was Reid’s financial contribution to this cause or any Democrat for that matter? I guess the self congratulations are the only thing that they can muster and quite frankly do nothing to help the children regardless of how well the issue is spun in the media. The only thing they should be congratulated on is their shameless exploitation of someone else’s success.

Well done Rush. Senator Reid - please go away and take your "phony" senators with you.

Outspoken Roman

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