Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What about Free Speech?

Isn’t one of the sacred cows to the Left the idea of Free Speech? Doesn’t Rush Limbaugh had the “right” to call anyone he wants to phony? Doesn’t Bill O’Reilly have the “right” to offer an opinion on some restaurant in Harlem? I mean it is ok to call President Bush a liar and it is apparently ok to imply Republicans are racists for not attending a debate on minority issues but opinions can’t be offered on fake soldiers and fine dining in Harlem?

The left uses free speech to defend all manner of ridiculous crap since they claim it is “protected speech” but seem to forget that in the words of the ACLU “How much we value the right of free speech is put to its severest test when the speaker is someone we disagree with most.” And in judging from the Left’s apoplectic fit over O’Reilly and Limbaugh exercising their First Amendment rights, they do not value free speech at all.

So then I see this story about Moveon.Org suing a T-shirt maker because the owner is selling among other things, T-Shirts that state “General Petraeus has done more for this country than” or “, the worst friend a Democrat could have! Move Away from Move On!” Apparently their General “Betray Us” ad in the New York Times ticked too many people off and MoveOn is feeling the backlash which is ever so sweet. Uhh what about free speech you pinheads!!!!

I guess that is one of those selective rights that only apply to the left. I knew that the left was pro-choice but I thought that was only with regard to Abortion, not the Bill of Rights as well. Live and learn I guess.

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