Sunday, February 24, 2008

Global Warming equals Giant Burmese Pythons colonizing the US?

Hat tip to the great Newsbusters site for this one. Newsbusters is reporting a USA Today story that touts that "Global Warming Will Cause Giant Snakes to Take Over America". Now I know that the climate change folks are really trying to stir up cataclysmic repercussions but now we have to worry about a python invasion in the lower US states?

USA Today's story found on their website states:
As climate change warms the nation, giant Burmese pythons could colonize one-third of the USA, from San Francisco across the Southwest, Texas and the South and up north along the Virginia coast, according to U.S. Geological Survey maps released Wednesday.
To quote Indiana Jones "I hate snakes..." and I can't find this news to be more unwelcome but come on - Climate change? Thanks to Noel Sheppard over at Newsbusters, you find out that the real culprit is not climate change but people "...dumping pythons they don't want in the wild". Seems like a good place to start to prevent this great catastrophe is to work to stop this illegal dumping (can you imagine if the owners were smoking while they were getting rid of the unwanted reptiles - then we would have a the full power of the federal government brought down on these lawbreakers). What a hoot.

Read Noel Sheppard's post on Newsbusters here.


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