Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Should we be bothered if there are executions at GITMO?

Yahoo News has an AP story reporting that executions may be carried out in Gitmo if the six suspected terrorists are sentenced to death for their part in the Sept 11 attacks (yes - I said attacks - not retaliations!). The execution method would not be being blown apart like our countrymen and women were on 11 Sept, rather lethal injection would be used.

Does this bother me? Actually no. I am in favor of capital punishment and am glad to see it applied to people like Saddam Hussein and creeps like this. But the AP story does not that executing the criminals would somewhat diminish the US more in the eyes of the world:
Any executions would probably add to international outrage over Guantanamo, since capital punishment is banned in 130 countries, including the 27-nation European Union.
Why is this our concern? Are we bound by the dictates and whims of these 130 other countries? Let's face it, the EU is not our friend and most folks throughout the world don't think much of us (and I don't think I would either if I read the AP). We not only have a duty to see justice done but an obligation to see it done quickly. I don't recall Europe having big problems with the execution of the Nazi war criminals and quite frankly this is our call to make not the U.N. I am all for trying to get along with our global neighbors and fostering peace and fellowship, but not at the expense of US Sovereignty or the will of the American People.

But the whiners can take heart. It is reported that the trial for these 6 accused detainees will be lengthy with the verdict being delivered probably after Bush has left office. So, a question has to be asked. Will our next choice for president have the stones to execute these folks providing they are found guilty in court? Don't you think he (or she - perish thought) should be able to and more importantly should sign the execution order? That is a situational question I would like asked at the next debate and the answer would be telling of the true character of the person.


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