Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Update on post about AIDS and Elton John

Update#2 - WND has a story that the swanky Clinton Fundraiser that Elton John attended and performed may have violated Federal Election Laws. Judicial Watch has urged the FEC to investigate as "it is illegal for any foreign national to 'make a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value … in connection with the Federal, State or local election" and reading the Judicial Watch website there is this note:
Press reports also show that Sir Elton John, on March 17, 2008, through the Clinton campaign, sent out a mass email announcing the concert and soliciting support. The Elton John concert took place on April 9, 2008 and raised more than $2.5 million (from the sale of 5,000 tickets) for Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton for President.
This is great! I doubt this will go anywhere (hey this is the Clinton's) but it is still nice to see that someone is keeping an eye on these affairs (no pun intended).

The NY Times Blog is covering this story and has a Clinton press release basically saying that foreign nationals can volunteer their time as long as they are not compensated. I wonder what sort of compensation Elton would have wanted? I bet there is still a story here but moreover why would Clinton give a forum to Elton to bash America and our apparently "misogynistic attitudes".

You got me.


Update #1 - A friend of mine pointed out something I had missed in my previous post on the subject of Reagan and AIDS. Most lefties want to blame Reagan for the spread of AIDS (if they didn't have Reagan they would actually have to blame the individuals who engaged in the risky (or should it be risque'?) behavior.

So to all you libs who love to hate Reagan and blame him for all the AIDS deaths and state that he didn't do enough, rememeber you are looking at it through 2008 glasses, not 1980 glasses and of course we all have the benefit of hindsight.

Or you can continue with your non-tolerant beliefs that Reagan is to blame. I thought Liberals were the tolerant ones?


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