Monday, April 28, 2008

Jail is too tough - I want the current presidential candidates to chime in on this.

Yahoo News has a story that everyone should be concerned about. The story speaks to the deplorable conditions in our jails as apparently the jails are starving the inmates.

The story (from the AP) is entitled "300-pound inmate complains Ark. jail doesn't feed him well"
An inmate awaiting trial on a murder charge is suing the county, complaining he has lost more than 100 pounds because of the jailhouse menu.

Broderick Lloyd Laswell says he isn't happy that he's down to 308 pounds after eight months in the Benton County jail. He has filed a federal lawsuit complaining the jail doesn't provide inmates with enough food.
So note that the inmate (in jail on a murder charge) is complaining that he has lost weight in jail while stating that he is not participating in "little vigorous activity". How cruel can this country be that we do not supply our inmates with enough food to keep their 400+ body weight? I for one can't bear the thought of this criminal (note I did not use the term inmate - how judgmental of me). The criminal's complaint continues:
"On several occasions I have started to do some exercising and my vision went blurry and I felt like I was going to pass out," ... "About an hour after each meal my stomach starts to hurt and growl. I feel hungry again."
Note that the prison in question is in Arkansas. Obama should jump on this and show feigned outrage that the Clinton's (first family of Arkansas in 1978 and again in 1982) discriminate against heavy inmates! We need to change this - Obama - man of the people (including heavy criminals). If only Chris Wallace had asked Obama about this on yesterday's Fox News Sunday. A missed opportunity to be sure.

One more thing - prison is supposed to be tough. That is why it is assigned as punishment.


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