Thursday, May 15, 2008

California Gay Ban Overturned

The Associated Press is in ecstasy (no pun intended) with the story that the voter-approved ban on gay marriage in California has been overturned by the California Supreme Court - story is here.

Quotes heard from supporters (from the story):

"I've been waiting for this all my life.."
"This is a life-affirming moment."
"This is a message that says all of us are entitled to human dignity."
"Today the California Supreme Court took a giant leap to ensure that everybody — not just in the state of California, but throughout the country — will have equal treatment under the law,"

In the opinion for the measure I saw this quote:
"Our state now recognizes that an individual's capacity to establish a loving and long-term committed relationship with another person and responsibly to care for and raise children does not depend upon the individual's sexual orientation,"
So bring it on!!! I see no reason why men cannot have two wives (multiple wives - why stop at 2?), women cannot have many husbands, multiple partnerships (why keep it traditional - you can have a union with 2 men and 3 women right?). What is wrong with polygamy and what sort of argument can one make in support of a measure such as this and not for polygamy. The Court did not say the "loving and long-term committed relationship" has to be only with one individual. And by the way - what does committed mean? I think the court owes the people some clarity as to what these terms mean?

Finally, this decision makes no constraint over who can get married? Can a son marry his mother (certainly could be a "loving and long-term committed relationship"). And before any wackos write me and suggest something "strange and weird" why wouldn't a son "marry" his mother if she had no insurance and he wanted to get her covered under his plan? What's wrong with that?

This is a huge cultural change that a minuscule segment of society is causing with no thought to its overall implications. Rather the folks involved are (in my opinion) self centered and whiners and not willing to acknowledge that their sexual choice or orientation does not need validation from Government to give their life dignity or their relationship meaning. Every argument that is being made for same sex marriage can be made for all kind of deviant (yes deviant - or straying from the accepted norm - deal with it!!! - it is not homophobic to consider this point!) "marriages" and this has the capacity to totally destroy this country as we know it. Don't think so? Think of all the abuse that this "marriage" proposal and all associated issues can bring. How can companies survive when they are getting insurance requests from families consisting of 20 adults (hey they are all married?).

OS predicts it here - there will be a backlash and there will be eventually be serious damage to our country because of this. People need to shut the hell up and just live, not throw their sexuality problems out for Government to solve. America is not ready for this (and never will be) regardless of what Massachusetts and California think. Gay and Lesbians are going to learn quite quickly that a majority of Americans don't want to make their behavior a norm and will pass the laws to exercise that.


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