Friday, August 15, 2008

Swiftboating Obama?

Jerome Corsi has a new book that is doing quite well in book sales called "The Obama Nation". Corsi was the author of Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry for which our culture got the term "swiftboating".

Well the Obama campaign has issued a 40-page rebuttal to Corsi's book "arguing the author is a fringe bigot peddling rehashed lies." Ok, that is fair. But in reading the AP story I saw this quote:
The book is a compilation of all the innuendo and false rumors against Obama — that he was raised a Muslim, attended a radical, black church and secretly has a "black rage" hidden beneath the surface.
So, why does Obama need to release a rebuttal? The Associated Press has already pronounced the book false. Isn't that good enough? I like the unbiased reporting (i.e. commentary) in a news story. Note the sarcasm there. The AP story also takes a swipe at that publishes Corsi's column noting :
Corsi writes for World Net Daily, a conservative Web site whose lead headline Thursday was "Astonishing photo claims: Dead Bigfoot stored on ice."
So a indirect (or direct) link to Corsi's "false rumors" and a report of Bigfoot on ice. Hmm - no bias there either. For the record, Worldnetdaily is a great site that offers a range of diverse opinions and impactful and at times "off beat" news. What site doesn't - Yahoo offers an Odd News section that has these nifty stories:

King penguin receives Norwegian knighthood
Man banned from girlfriend's home after noisy sex
Winnie-the-Pooh held for robbery?

Also there is a link to ABC News story entitled "Legend of Bigfoot: Discovery? Try Hoax." I guess the AP needs to ensure that anyone who writes for ABC News gets the same type of derision that Corsi has gotten.

Final question for the AP - why is "The Obama Nation" a best seller? Maybe the AP should try reporting the news rather than telling us their opinion of it. Obama is lucky to have such willing accomplices in the media to do hit pieces like this one on authors and commentators who are not in line with Obama's ascension. Next time you hear someone on the left talk about how great diversity is, take a right-wing position (even for "kicks") to see a reaction that is not in line with their supposed appreciation for diversity. AP should be ashamed of this "report".


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