Saturday, August 23, 2008

TV continuing to weird me out

Catching up on my reading and I see Brent Bozell's column over at has a particularly horrifying subject with his usual spot on commentary. It seems that the show America's Next Top Model has as a contestant a transgender which is a person who diverges from the normal gender role (i.e. a man dressing up and acting like a woman). The contestant "Isis" can be seen on the show's website here -

Bozell writes:
Us magazine is treating "Isis" like some sort of courageous pioneer for civil rights, as if she was the Martin Luther King of cross-dressing, or perhaps the new Rosa Parks of castration. (The "girl" still has male genitalia.) They asked, "Will she be a role model?" The contestant would only promise: "I like to help people, but I'm here to follow my dreams."
Bozell is spot on but there is more to this story. What happens when (my prediction) she/he (?) doesn't win? I am sure there will be charges of bias and some sort of phobia and how America is so backward that it can't accept a transgendered person as its (supposedly) next top model. I have no experience with transgendered folks but it seems to me that we are continuing to shave off any specific differences between the genders and between roles and forget about asking if we have gone too far..I am worried about what is the next cultural violation TV will foist upon an unexpecting public - who watches this crap anyway?

Just like Obama will lose because of his policies (not because of his race) "Isis" will lose not because of transphobia but because deep down he looks wierd. Men were not made to be women and vice versa. If this show really looks for the potential models to "...demonstrate both inner and outer beauty as they learn to master complicated catwalks, intense physical fitness, fashion photo shoots and perfect publicity skills..." I just can't believe that a man can compete on the same level as "real" women who I would guess have no small amount of (at least) physical beauty - which after all is what sells the product these models are shilling for in the first place right?

Sadly (not really) I will not be following "Isis's" journey but unfortunately too many other people will. And they say there is nothing good on TV anymore...


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