Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thank God for Health Officials

On the front page of today is a story that trans fats are now verboten in Boston thanks to state health authorities in Massachusetts. What is even more interesting is the story states that the (the afore mentioned health authorities) are looking into a statewide ban of trans fats.
"Instead, a spokesman for the state's public health commissioner said a review of the agency's powers suggested that only the Legislature can impose a statewide prohibition on trans fat, long a staple of french fries, doughnuts, and other food sold in restaurants and corner stores."
So to ensure all the restaurants in Boston are complying there will be a slew of investigators checking Boston's 5000+ restaurants for compliance:
"City inspectors will check for evidence of trans fat during their routine visits to restaurants, and while health authorities said they do not intend for the regulations to be punitive, violators can be fined as much as $1,000."
So with everything else this state is dealing with, this is what our tax dollars are going toward? Don't the state health officials have something better to do than play "daddy" to restaurants that are frying up french fries in non approved oil?

What is next (yep - here comes the slippery slope argument)? If the motivation is "everything to do with health" according to Barbara Ferrer, executive director of the Boston Public Health Commission, think about what sort of things fall under that very general statement? Why not mandatory physical training? Why not state inspectors to ensure all menus on the 5000+ restaurants conform to the Government Recommended Daily Allowance of specific food groups? Why not ban sugar? This reminds me of the abuse under the "general welfare" clause that Washington has used to basically throw a big Government solution to all of this country's aliments.

Be warned folks. This country has already changed dramatically towards a socialist like direction. No longer are there really two distinct views between the two major political parties, instead there is a diluted servitude and indenturement against a political philosophy that wants to impose it "now". The argument for rugged individualism has been abandoned. For those of us who are looking at the current national political climate, what we see in Boston is what we are seeing in the nation. Government can not guarantee a paycheck, no crime, no war, economic prosperity, and decent, family friendly shows on TV so why should it be in the business of trying to guarantee everyone makes the healthiest choice when eating out? We do not need nor should we have Government run lives. We are a better people than that, and a better country.

At least that is my opinion.


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