Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Gas prices today

WBZ TV has a story noting that gas has dropped below $3.50 a gallon. Some folks would say "yahoo" but this actually reflects that the debate about gas prices is over and the middle class lost. The story states that last year, gas was at an average of $2.67 a gallon and I believe that our focus will not be on what it used to be but the discussion will move to either what gas was at its highest so far or how much other countries are paying.

My point is that once again, we are being fed a line of crap about how much gas has dropped (8 cents lower than last week) but we are still paying incredbily high prices that are do not support or sustain current lifestyles. We are supposed to be "happy" that gas is only $3.50 a gallon which is still alomst a dollar more than last year. Where will the extra $ come from from your or my budget?

Congress doesn't care. They probably write off their gas budgets or get driven around and don't have to write a check to pay these high fuel costs. We are supposed to bow down and thank them for doing nothing basically when they represent a disconnected segment of our society. Presidential candidates debate about giving a gas tax holiday when we have lost the debate already about our dependence on foreign oil. This is a real security crisis and one that hits the weakest and poorest among us.

So whopeee - we have low gas!! Actually we don't. We have turned the corner and will forget the days when $2.67 was expensive and we will all need to realign our budgets to address fuel costs that will never go back down again (global warming and all that), trade in our SUVs and buy Honda Civics (great cars by the way) and listen to stories that crow about how great we have it and be prepared to pay more and get less. While somewhere the Sierra Club is laughing as they have gotten their way - changing the culture and society of this country - without firing a shot (in a manner of speaking of course).


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