Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Opening Salvo

I am a transplant from Google's Blogger site (my old site is here - http://outspokenroman.blogspot.com/) and since I didn't want Google to control everything, I thought I would shift my musings/rants to WordPress. So far, it has been a smooth transition.

So what do I write about? Usual comments on the culture and political scene. I am not a fan of Liberalism and Liberals in general as plans that call for more government control over our lives just strike me as the opposite of freedom. I believe in the Constitution and feel it has served this country well for more than 200 years and doesn't need to be a "living" document to maintain its relvancy for our society today. I believe our rights as citizens do not come from Government therefore Government can't take them away - a great provision put in place by the founders of this country. Too many people want to sacrifice their freedoms for a measure of security - an idea I find shocking. 

Living in Boston offers up many opportunities to rant about the senseless and the innane and for that I am thankful. This state is full of loony folks and offer me more than enough ammunition to keep me amused and to keep this blog full.

Final thought - P.J. O’Rourke said that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take it all away. Thoughts like that keep me warm at night. 

So away we go.

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