Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bias in testing...???

The local Boston Fox Website has a story that "3 minority teachers
allege bias in test". Here in liberal Massachusetts that will have everyone a twitter I am sure. But in looking at the story, the alleged bias consists of that claim that "...minorities and nonnative English speakers who take the test fail the communication and literacy section at higher rates than whites and native English speakers."

So these potential teachers are failing the communication part? And instead of say working on communication skills, this group files a lawsuit claiming bias? What's next? How about I try out for the Red Sox, never having played professional sports and when I don't make it, claim there is a bias against me (non professional sports enthusiasts)? There is a set of basic skills I at least expect a teacher to have - communication would be up there in priority (along with the requisite educational background). I for one don't want any teacher teaching the next generation who fail what I am sure is basic communication requirements. I have heard teachers use improper English - "there's two of them for example" and feel if we continue to dilute some of the basic requirements for teachers, how can we not expect these not to be passed along to the kids they are teaching. I am all for minorities and non-natives being teachers (or whites or native Americans for that matter) but don't want to lower the bar for what we expect from this most important profession. This truly is a slippery slope that imperils America's future.

Outspoken Roman

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