Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Silliness from Massachusetts public health officials

WBZ reports that "Massachusetts public health officials are poised to vote on proposed rules that would require most restaurant chains to prominently display the calorie counts of their menu offerings". I am sure there are those out there that think this is the greatest news (similar to the people who thought that once Cigarettes posted warnings on their packages that the smoking problem would end and people would wise up). "Oh - smoking is bad for me...I didn't know that."

This continued Government big bureaucracy and oversight with little benefit. In my opinion no one who sits down to enjoy a Whopper or Big Mac thinks they are eating healthy and if the end goal is to make the public aware of how crappy fast food is, the increase in Fast Food sales with a corresponding increase in the public waistline is all the data that you need. French Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Pizza are just not as healthy as a salad. Is this news to anyone?

State officials should be more concerned with literacy and improving education (do not read this as raising better (liberal) children but rather having more children who can pass basic civics lessons). Focus on physical education and raising children who understand the freedoms that this country offers and the benefits of this republic, not how bad the burger chain cheeseburger and milkshake is.

Outspoken Roman

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