Saturday, June 6, 2009

Obama and gas prices

In my most recent random thoughts column I asked  "Why isn’t the public clamoring for Obama’s intervention the way they were for Bush’s back when gas prices were on the rise? Why no investigations into “big oil” and their profits?"

Well my friends at Newsbusters have a great post by Noel Sheppard that is titled "Oil Prices Doubled Since Inauguration, Will Media Blame Obama?". The column (posted on 6 June) states that :
Virtually every time oil and gasoline prices rose when George W. Bush was in the White House, his policies and/or his connections to folks in the oil industry were blamed by newsrooms from coast to coast.Yet, even though oil has doubled in price since Inauguration Day, with retail gas prices up $0.75 a gallon, you'd be hard-pressed to find reports blaming these spikes on President Obama or anything he's done since taking office.


Great question Noel? Where is the press on this issue? BTW - Noel Sheppard has some great charts accompanying his column (found here) that show that the US has never seen "..'such a fast doubling as what we've seen since Inauguration Day." in oil prices.

We sit here waiting for the press to catch up. Or even scarier, does the mainstream press even care? And if so, what else are we not getting told?

Among us, the crickets are the only sounds we hear.

Outspoken Roman

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