Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We need civility?

Newsbusters has a good post on Chris Matthews being incredibly rude to a guest who is opposed to Obamacare. Link is here.

The post's author (Jeff Poor) points out correctly that not only was Matthews rude but he attempts to discredit his guest (Americans For Prosperity President Tim Phillips) with asking to see if he (Tim Philips) subscribes to some of the theories being bandied about (such as the 'birther' movement) but Matthews says something that I thought bore repeating (around .41 seconds in).

Matthews notes (after mentioning Sarah Palin and trying to cast her as a fringe person) that we should try and get some "civility here about this...".

Really? As if he has strived for civility in the past.

Exhibit one - youtube video of Matthews talking with David Axelrod and calls Cheney, Newt and Rush (and others) the crazies (and troublemakers). How civil...

And let's not forget Matthews ambushing Ann Coulter with Elizabeth Edwards' call in. His cup runneth over with civility.

Outspoken Roman

Monday, August 10, 2009

Are you un-american?

I was reading the news and came across this nice tip on Drudge concerning Nancy Pelosi's op-ed in USA Today. She and Steny Hoyer take the health care reform protesters to task calling them 'un-american'.Don't believe me? Here is a quote from the op-ed:
These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task for decades.

Americans are afraid of differing views? What crap! What she is not willing to understand is that Americans are afraid of pure unabashed Government control over every aspect of their lives, not differing views. Wouldn't the election of Obama negate that statement as we certainly (as a country) elected a president that had differing views than the previous administration (as well as the Republican opponent)? But I digress.

Pelosi notes that it is 'un-american' to drown out opposing views. Tell that to Ann Coulter who can't make a speech at a college campus without her being demonstrated against and/or having a pie thrown at her. Tell that to David Horowitz when he goes to college campuses and is shouted down for daring to talk about the threat of Islamo Fascists. Where was Pelosi or Hoyer defending the right for an opposing view?

Were the anti "immigration reform" protests un-american? I don't recall Pelosi condemning them? What about the Anti Proposition 8 rallies? Were those protesters un-american?

Finally, let me highlight something that happened in Pelosi's own city of San Francisco. In a story on WorldNetDaily there is this headline "Hundreds of homosexual activists rushed out of bars and swarmed a group of Christians who were singing songs in San Francisco's Castro District – and some even threatened to kill the worshippers." There is even video of this...at the link above.

How un-american. I anxiously await Pelosi's condemnation of this mob.

Outspoken Roman

Monday, August 3, 2009

The economy must not be doing too badly

I am channel surfing, stopping at Fox News and seeing what O'reilly is covering and I saw an ad for Fancy Feast appetizers for cats. Don't believe me? Check it out here.

Hey - if folks can afford the equivalent of nachos for their cats (such as the Steamed Wild Alaskan Salmon) then the economy is doing better than I thought.

Maybe the President can use this as an example of the economy turning the corner and his stimulus plan kicking in.

Outspoken Roman

New TSA Rule - are we getting secure yet?

Ok - so news flash. The TSA wants more information listed on the boarding passes because its a .."way of better checking passenger names against terror watch lists". This quote is attributed to TSA officials at a story on the NewsWest 9 website.

The additional information being listed on the boarding pass will include your full name, birth date and gender. It is only a matter of time before the boarding passes will only care about our social security number (TSA Officials will be quoted as saying "It's the only way we can be sure of the identity of the passenger and not someone on the terror watch list"). Along with the SSN, we will have to fly in the nude as an additional security precaution. Why don't we just ban airflight all together? I mean that is the only way to truly be safe.

You laugh now but there will be more silliness coming from the TSA as they continue to work on making us safe. I for one am worried about the amount of information on these boarding passes. Does anyone else forgetfully leave these things stuck in their paperback book in their airplane seat? What sort of information are exposing to a potential criminal element?

What is the solution you ask? Well what do this group of men have in common?


Too obvious? Why not start with patting down those in our society that are associated with those who wish to do us harm? Or at a minimum pat down those people that offer a threat more so than say my mother in law. I know it is not politically correct but wasn't that one of the lessons of 9/11? The planes weren't hijacked by invalids right but by a individuals of a certain segment of the world's population. I am not saying single them out but focus on the threats rather than on say the grandmothers.

Also don't we have armed marshalls on flights now? Is that making us safe?

Finally, how about educating the workforce rather than just throw a whole bunch of bodies as a solution.

Update - I got a suggestion from a friend. We won't travel nude but in Government issues diapers so we don' t have to get up. It is all about safety.

Let me end here with the same friend suggesting this quote from Ron Paul (found here).
While millions of Americans undoubtedly welcome any TSA indignity under the guise of "preventing terrorism," millions more are not willing to give blind obedience to arbitrary authority. TSA creates only a false sense of security, at great cost not only financially but also in terms of our dignity. How we as Americans react to authoritarian agencies like TSA is an indicator of how much we still value freedom over our persons and effects.

Amen brother - Amen.

Outspoken Roman

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Trip to Nauset

Just got back from a good weekend at the cape. Although the last day (today) was the best day of the lot, with 4 hours spent in the 64 degree weather of Nauset Light House beach (part of the Cape Cod National Sea Shore). Although cold, we had a great time (me and the little Valkyrie spent a lot of time in the surf while the young viking spent his time digging holes and burying things).

Was happy to see the traffic die down on the way home across the Sagamore Bridge. It looks like leaving at 630 was pretty good as far as fighting the off cape travel. But it is good to be home.