Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We need civility?

Newsbusters has a good post on Chris Matthews being incredibly rude to a guest who is opposed to Obamacare. Link is here.

The post's author (Jeff Poor) points out correctly that not only was Matthews rude but he attempts to discredit his guest (Americans For Prosperity President Tim Phillips) with asking to see if he (Tim Philips) subscribes to some of the theories being bandied about (such as the 'birther' movement) but Matthews says something that I thought bore repeating (around .41 seconds in).

Matthews notes (after mentioning Sarah Palin and trying to cast her as a fringe person) that we should try and get some "civility here about this...".

Really? As if he has strived for civility in the past.

Exhibit one - youtube video of Matthews talking with David Axelrod and calls Cheney, Newt and Rush (and others) the crazies (and troublemakers). How civil...

And let's not forget Matthews ambushing Ann Coulter with Elizabeth Edwards' call in. His cup runneth over with civility.

Outspoken Roman

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