Monday, August 10, 2009

Are you un-american?

I was reading the news and came across this nice tip on Drudge concerning Nancy Pelosi's op-ed in USA Today. She and Steny Hoyer take the health care reform protesters to task calling them 'un-american'.Don't believe me? Here is a quote from the op-ed:
These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task for decades.

Americans are afraid of differing views? What crap! What she is not willing to understand is that Americans are afraid of pure unabashed Government control over every aspect of their lives, not differing views. Wouldn't the election of Obama negate that statement as we certainly (as a country) elected a president that had differing views than the previous administration (as well as the Republican opponent)? But I digress.

Pelosi notes that it is 'un-american' to drown out opposing views. Tell that to Ann Coulter who can't make a speech at a college campus without her being demonstrated against and/or having a pie thrown at her. Tell that to David Horowitz when he goes to college campuses and is shouted down for daring to talk about the threat of Islamo Fascists. Where was Pelosi or Hoyer defending the right for an opposing view?

Were the anti "immigration reform" protests un-american? I don't recall Pelosi condemning them? What about the Anti Proposition 8 rallies? Were those protesters un-american?

Finally, let me highlight something that happened in Pelosi's own city of San Francisco. In a story on WorldNetDaily there is this headline "Hundreds of homosexual activists rushed out of bars and swarmed a group of Christians who were singing songs in San Francisco's Castro District – and some even threatened to kill the worshippers." There is even video of the link above.

How un-american. I anxiously await Pelosi's condemnation of this mob.

Outspoken Roman

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