Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kayne West is a disgrace

So we all know that during Taylor Swift's win at the 13 Sept 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, some moron called Kayne West grabbed the microphone and stated that Beyonce should have won, leaving Taylor Swift (a 19 year old country singer/star) looking stunned and speechless. I have to wonder what Swift was doing there in the first place since MTV hardly plays videos anymore (and usually focuses on hip hop and asinine reality shows). The President has called West a "Jackass" - he is half right (the "ass") part. I would add hole to that but that is me. Here is some punk that decides to diminish someone's moment of triumph for personal and selfish reasons. What does that reveal about our culture that this jackass is celebrated so much. What do his actions reveal about his personality and conduct?

But no worries - he has apologized on his blog...wow! What a great gesture. West was on Jay Leno's new show on Monday and said:
"So many celebrities, they never take the time off," he said. "I've never taken the time off to really — you know, just music after music and tour after tour. I'm just ashamed that my hurt caused someone else's hurt. My dream of what awards shows are supposed to be, 'cause, and I don't try to justify it because I was just in the wrong. That's period. But I need to, after this, take some time off and just analyze how I'm going to make it through the rest of this life, how I'm going to improve."

It is also interesting to note that MTV hasn't seen fit to condemn West's actions - and why should they - controversy is great for the stupid show.

West also told Leno that he wanted to apologize to Swift "in person". How about you give Taylor Swift a call instead of using a "blog". Or better yet, since you have been so successfully in your career to this date, why don't you man up, find Taylor Swift and speak to her in person and apologize for your mean, selfish act and vow never to do something like it again and stop talking to everyone else about how sorry you are.

Outspoken Roman

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