Saturday, September 12, 2009

OK - Racism = disagreement

A lot has been made of Republican Rep. Joe Wilson's decision to yell "You lie" at the President during the joint session to Congress this week regarding the potential health care coverage of illegal immigrants. Sure it was a breach of decorum that all the pundits want to remind the American People of. But was it racism?

Fox News has a story entitled "Black Publishers Cry Racism Over Wilson Outburst, Join Boycott of South Carolina" found here. The money quote from the story states that the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) Chairman Danny J. Bakewell Sr. said. "Rep. Wilson's remarks were racist, disrespectful, and a disingenuous violation -- not only of President Obama -- but to the institution of the presidency and only solidified our position and the importance in not spending black dollars where black people are not respected."

You have got to be kidding me. Do Obama's supporters really believe this is racist? Has that word gotten to be so overused that it has lost all meaning? The NNPA should be ashamed of itself for slurring Rep Wilson with such a label. This is another insidious attempt by the left and by race baiters to use the specter of racism to squelch legitimate debate and the Republicans should not support any sort of censure movement against Rep. Wilson. He has apologized and it should be left at that. Can you imagine if a black Representative had done that to President Bush and some right wing group charged the Representative with racism? Can you imagine the left's caterwauling and shouts of righteous indignation?

Tks to Rush Limbaugh I was reminded of how the Democrats booed President Bush during his 2005 State of the Union address. Here is a link to the RealClearPolitics story and video. You can audibly here the boos and heckles from the Dems. What about this breach of protocol?

BTW - I have read a number of Main Stream Media outlets who rile against the Internet and the mis information that is out there but I think the ABC/CBS/NBC world actually don't like the competition. For example I looked at the ABC News Site and found a story entitled "Heckling of President Is Rare in American History". President Bush is mentioned only in passing and the specific example discussed above is not mentioned at all. Props to CBS News for at least covering the 2005 heckling.

As for the NNPA - I thought dissent was patriotic?

Outspoken Roman


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