Friday, December 18, 2009

TV and the Soft Eshoo Bill (Brent Bozell III)

I was reading Yahoo Opinion and saw this op ed from Brent Bozell. He writes about the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act (CALM) which was passed Tuesday on a voice vote that urged that TV commercials be no louder than the shows in which they appear.

I remember my dad always asking if the commercials were louder than the original show and I guess they were!! Not that I think this is a pressing need for Congress (the subject of the Op Ed) but I think there is a niche market here for someone to develop some sort of utility that lessens the ads. I don't need Billy Mays screaming at me.

Bozell's column is linked below - a good read.

TV and the Soft Eshoo Bill
(Brent Bozell III)
: "Brent Bozell III - Lest any citizen think the U.S. Congress is absorbed only in the weightiest matters like nationalizing the health care system, the House just passed another piece of legislation — a bill urging that TV commercials be no louder than the shows in which they appear."

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