Monday, May 31, 2010

Issues with the Ipad

So I am a proud owner of a new Ipad and have been having issues with the wi-fi connectivity and after spending too much time researching it it looks like I had to change my router security settings and the channel that is used for broadcast. So I have done that and will give it a day or two to see if there is any change. To be honest, I am ready to return the Ipad given the issues that I have seen so far. My beloved Ipod touch that was recently broken never had these issues. I will upload some links that am using to trouble shoot issue in this post tomorrow.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The end of tv

So I am trying out the blogger app on my iPad and thought I would write about the end of tv as I know it. Yes I am talking about the series finales of Lost and 24 respectively. Both ended this week and honestly I will miss both but for very different reasons. 24 made me feel sorry for the hero (Jack Bauer) since almost nothing went right for him but also glad that there were people like him willing to do violent acts to protect America. I also admired his unfailing moral compass which apparently almost every other person lacked (including the most recent Madam President) and quite frankly he was a bad a$$.

I already wrote about Lost earlier and had some time to think about it some more and digest what the series meant and what it was shooting for. I guess it comes down to what was really "Lost" - was it the people on an island or was it about the people and their lives (or souls)? In the end was the series about them all earning redemption and moving on en masse to a better place? A lot of unanswered questions abound but I never thought we would get them all addressed. In the end though we cared about the losties and the journey that they were on and how it eventually ended.

To be honest I will miss these shows as they were in so many ways must see TV and stimulated so much conversation and fellowship that their absence will be felt by all who waited patiently for the familiar 24 and Lost opening themes. Interesting that they both had heroes names Jack. I had tried Heroes and Flash Forward but both failed to capture me like the folks at CTU and the survivors of flight 815. There is definitely a hole right now in my week that I can fill with something else, but I doubt it will be as interesting or as captivating.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost Finale (initial thoughts)

Thinking about the Lost Series Finale - not sure I get it yet and if the discussion happening on Facebook is any inclination, I am not alone. I do think that many of us felt that the island was "purgatory" or something between heaven and hell but I get that it isn't if people can escape from it? Or was the sideways world purgatory where everyone had to be together to move forward to heaven?

I dunno - and I will be thinking about this more. BTW - loved the small bit between Hugo and Ben at the end. Ben wasn't ready to move on - did he need to make more amends?

Loved it - have to watch it again I think but thought it was a fine show with great imagery and iconography. But I need to ponder on it a bit more.

I will leave you with John Miller (posting over at National Review) with some quick thoughts.

Lost - John J. Miller - The Corner on National Review Online

Sunday, May 23, 2010 - Bisexual men claim discrimination in Gay World Series

I am playing catch up on my to do list and saw this on Fox News a while back. Basically the story notes that "Three bisexual men filed a lawsuit in Seattle, Washington against the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance (NAGAAA) claiming they were discriminated against for not being gay enough to participate in the organization's Gay Softball World Series...". The original source of the story appears to the the Seattle Times.

Not being gay enough? I will deal with that in a minute but since when is there a Gay Softball World Series? How is participation determined and how is it verified? And why is it ok to have a world series for softball for gays - I am sure straights don't have their own world series (can you imagine a don't ask, don't tell rule for "straight softball"? I am sure that would go over well). I just can't get enough of groups that preach inclusion offer up their own exclusionary rules.

Now - not being gay enough. Someone please tell me how this is determined. And again, how it is verified? Do you need to produce supporting documentation to justify a participant's gayness? Maybe there is a form to fill out and you must include references.

This is patently absurd and as groups continue to have their own activities focused on lifestyle choice, sexual orientations, whatever, we will continue to become more polarized as a country and more silly in our culture. What ever happened to keeping bedroom activities out of the limelight?

Resolution: We need a bi-sexual world series as well. And then we will need a metro-sexual world series also. Let's not forget the transsexual crowd, we need to ensure they have a world series as well. Is it homophobic if I mention to be fair we should have a straight world series as well? That is of course preposterous. So is any of the others I mentioned.

Hey - that is my opinion. Story from Fox News below. - Bisexual men claim discrimination in Gay World Series

Sunday, May 16, 2010

2 Simple Ingredients That Will Boost your Morning Energy - by Dumb Little Man

2 Simple Ingredients That Will Boost your Morning Energy - by Dumb Little Man

Just reading twitter feeds from Lifehacker and followed an article to the website - looks like it is a good read and wanted to share - as I am a big proponent of push ups in the morning (I like the plan at this got my attention.

Rock on!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

TwInbox - Use Twitter directly from Outlook.

TwInbox - Use Twitter directly from Outlook.

I just found this utility and it is really great. I have tried all the fancy twitter clients (or at least most of them) and since most of my work/GTD system and general tasks occur in outlook is was a no brainer to adopt this into my mail client and use twitter feeds more effectively.

Seems to be no real issue with performance (as of now) and quite frankly I love the convergence of many sources of information found in one place. I am even keeping up better with the news. Otherwise how else could I learn that Bill Clinton has offered himself as a lottery prize to pay off Hillary's campaign debts.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Parent Advice - Sneaky Ways Advertisers Target Kids - Common Sense Media

Checking out a great website ( and saw this small article that I thought worth mentioning. Under "Sneaky Ways Advertisers Target Kids I saw this note about how Twitter is being used -

Parent Advice - Sneaky Ways Advertisers Target Kids - Common Sense Media: "1. Kim Kardashian. Tweets from reality TV stars, musicians, and other celebs can earn them $10,000. That's right, the rich and famous are cashing in on their Twitter fans by tweeting about how much they love a certain product. And unlike sponsored Twitter ads, these celeb tweets are not labeled 'Ad.'"

Just something to be aware of -

Friday, May 7, 2010 - California Principal Apologizes for Forbidding U.S. Flag Shirts on Mexican Holiday - California Principal Apologizes for Forbidding U.S. Flag Shirts on Mexican Holiday: "'School leaders have to make judgment calls on when to take preventative measures to pre-empt a possible incident or conflict,' Smith said. 'In this situation, it appears that a decision was made too quickly.'"

So here is my question - the decision was made too quickly to forbid US Flag shirts on Cinco De Mayo. at this school in California? What does how hastily the decision was made have to do with anything? My feeling is that if the school had waited another 60 minutes, they still would have made the same decision.

This is shameful. Remember what country this is? Why the hell would Cinco De Mayo celebrators be offended? : feed your blog to twitter

So I was poking around some social media stuff and came upon TwitterFeed. Does this post to Twitter? Let's see. : feed your blog to twitter

Can't Delete podcasts off Touch - iLounge Forums

I can't tell you how frustrated I was when I couldn't get old podcasts off my Ipod Touch when they didn't show up in Itunes. Well the folks at iLounge came to my rescue.

User dazzerart notes:

"I had the same problem. But you CAN delete the podcasts from your ipod touch without using your pc

Go to your podcast list on your ipod touch. Dont swipe the screen now... it wont work

Click an individual podcast - it will now have the date and time of podcast in the description
dont click it - that would just play the podcast - instead just slide your finger from left to right and a red delete button will appear.

Click that and the podcast is no more!"

Thank you!!!

Can't Delete podcasts off Touch - iLounge Forums

I can't tell you how frustrated I was when I couldn't get old podcasts off my Ipod Touch when they didn't show up in Itunes. Well the folks at iLounge came to my rescue.

User dazzerart notes:

"I had the same problem. But you CAN delete the podcasts from your ipod touch without using your pc

Go to your podcast list on your ipod touch. Dont swipe the screen now... it wont work

Click an individual podcast - it will now have the date and time of podcast in the description
dont click it - that would just play the podcast - instead just slide your finger from left to right and a red delete button will appear.

Click that and the podcast is no more!"

Thank you!!!