Sunday, May 23, 2010 - Bisexual men claim discrimination in Gay World Series

I am playing catch up on my to do list and saw this on Fox News a while back. Basically the story notes that "Three bisexual men filed a lawsuit in Seattle, Washington against the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance (NAGAAA) claiming they were discriminated against for not being gay enough to participate in the organization's Gay Softball World Series...". The original source of the story appears to the the Seattle Times.

Not being gay enough? I will deal with that in a minute but since when is there a Gay Softball World Series? How is participation determined and how is it verified? And why is it ok to have a world series for softball for gays - I am sure straights don't have their own world series (can you imagine a don't ask, don't tell rule for "straight softball"? I am sure that would go over well). I just can't get enough of groups that preach inclusion offer up their own exclusionary rules.

Now - not being gay enough. Someone please tell me how this is determined. And again, how it is verified? Do you need to produce supporting documentation to justify a participant's gayness? Maybe there is a form to fill out and you must include references.

This is patently absurd and as groups continue to have their own activities focused on lifestyle choice, sexual orientations, whatever, we will continue to become more polarized as a country and more silly in our culture. What ever happened to keeping bedroom activities out of the limelight?

Resolution: We need a bi-sexual world series as well. And then we will need a metro-sexual world series also. Let's not forget the transsexual crowd, we need to ensure they have a world series as well. Is it homophobic if I mention to be fair we should have a straight world series as well? That is of course preposterous. So is any of the others I mentioned.

Hey - that is my opinion. Story from Fox News below. - Bisexual men claim discrimination in Gay World Series

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