Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost Finale (initial thoughts)

Thinking about the Lost Series Finale - not sure I get it yet and if the discussion happening on Facebook is any inclination, I am not alone. I do think that many of us felt that the island was "purgatory" or something between heaven and hell but I get that it isn't if people can escape from it? Or was the sideways world purgatory where everyone had to be together to move forward to heaven?

I dunno - and I will be thinking about this more. BTW - loved the small bit between Hugo and Ben at the end. Ben wasn't ready to move on - did he need to make more amends?

Loved it - have to watch it again I think but thought it was a fine show with great imagery and iconography. But I need to ponder on it a bit more.

I will leave you with John Miller (posting over at National Review) with some quick thoughts.

Lost - John J. Miller - The Corner on National Review Online

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