Monday, September 10, 2007

Keith Olbermann is a disgrace

I used to love Keith Olberman on ESPN Sportscenter. The broadcast was smart, witty and as entertaining as sport news can be. I was sorry to see him leave and actually when I heard he was heading to MSNBC, I thought he would give the news the same makeover (smart, witty, etc.). So I guess I am not made out for the prognosticator business. I imagined The Daily Show or the Colbert Report, and instead we got Countdown. I was not alone when I wondered “what the hell happened to Keith?” Full disclosure, a friend of mine (Kevin – you know who you are) is a dead ringer for Olbermann so maybe I gave his show a lot longer than much of his audience but like apparently the rest of America (except for his small and ever shrinking fan base) I turned him off and gravitated to other news shows.

I don’t mind folks giving their opinion but one cannot take Olbermann honestly with his portrayal of the news with such an apparent bias. Is this considered reporting or editorializing or what? His opinions are far left and his hatred of President Bush and all things right wing are incorporated into every broadcast and most victims of his “Worst Person in the World” segment are those on the right. His vile contempt for Bill O’Reilly is well documented and what’s worse, the left leaning media never seem to hold Olbermann accountable for any of his outrageous slanders.

Well Newsbusters has got this story that is quite choice (as they say). Noel Sheppard reports that in a recent interview in Playboy Olbermann states that “Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda”. Did you get that? A major news network (that kicks MSNBC’s butt consistently in ratings as well as quality of shows) was said to be worse than the Muslim extremists who were responsible for Sept 11, 2001. I read the Newsbusters article thinking that this must be a joke but nope, he meant it. I can’t fathom why this buffon has a national venue at all with thinking such as this. Olbermann actually continued with a more ridiculous slam. Again, from the Newsbusters story Olbermann states “(Fox News is) as dangerous as the Ku Klux Klan ever was.” So not only is the network that more Americans watch worse than Bin Laden’s group, they are worse than a racist hate group.

Why again does this guy have a show? He is on the same network as Imus who was removed from his show for saying such a stupid thing about that basketball team. Doesn’t MSNBC have any stones to stand up to this idiot and realize that he is just a big anchor around their necks (no pun intended)? What kills me is that Olbermann is being considered for another NBC show as if Countdown wasn’t enough. For shame NBC! Dispatch this guy’s show and presence to broadcast history and show at least half the backbone you showed in the Imus situation. I guess Olbermann is lucky he didn’t refer to Fox News as a bunch of nappy headed hos.

Thanks to Noel Sheppard for reporting this.

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