Thursday, September 6, 2007

Random News

CNN reports that Taxi drivers in NY City are upset over city plans to require GPS tracking systems in cabs as well as offering the ability for customers to pay with a credit card. Is this a bad thing? Lord knows those of us that work in offices have support staff sort of “tracking” where folks are. The CNN story reports that “(s)ome cabbies fear the GPS systems could be used to track their movements…”. Uh yeah – that is the point. This does not mean I support some overall surveillance over each and every one of us, but this seems really silly.

Yahoo has a story that Italian tenor Pavarotti has died. I was never an opera fan but that was the genius of Pavarotti. He made someone like me appreciate his talent and know that his performances were those of a true artist. My father would be saddened if he were alive today that another one of his “idols” has passed and for that, and for the gift that Pavarotti brought to the world, the world is worse off with his passing.

Fred Thompson is running for President. Is this really surprising? The thing about Fred (he was great in The Hunt of Red October) is that he is the current flavor of the month and actually shows the discontent that the republican voters have with the current crop. To be honest though, I think that the Republican field is much more diverse than the Democrats (which I have said before) and with Fred getting in the race, it is that much more diverse and exciting? Now the media can really attack his trophy wife. Why would the NY Times focus on her looks? Would a story like that be written about the Democratic side of the house?

With a title that can only be labeled “oops” Ace Hardware recently discovered a $154 Million shortfall on its books. AP is reporting that Ace Hardware Inc will have to re-report their financial results for the past 5 years.

Finally, and really most importantly, Congress will hear results from a 20 member panel studying Iraq security forces led by Retired Marine Corps Gen James Jones. The US have pored $19.2 billion into developing these forces and their ability to assume/regain/keep control of the country will be a good metric to see really where we are in preparation for Gen. Petraeus’ report. Let’s keep those soldiers in our thoughts and prayers.

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