Friday, September 7, 2007

Nifong reports to jail.

Ok I am not obsessed with the Duke fake rape case and I have already blogged about it here. But it does my heart good to see stories like this one from CNN reporting the Nifong has reported for his 1 day in jail. Again, my previous entry on this has described what I think of that (“Conclusion: He is a liar, a fraud and a criminal.”). Why people were there (at the Raleigh, NC Jail) with signs of support for Nifong (they still believe in his “integrity and goodness”) shouldn’t surprise me but it does frost me a bit. What integrity and what goodness? Recall that the court found that Nifong held back evidence helpful to defense and in my opinion (and others) played racial politics for personal advantage. His integrity and goodness is gone.

A note to end this post. I wished in my last Nifong post that he (Nifong) goes on to make millions and has to give it to the lacrosse players he smeared in the eventual lawsuit. The CNN story notes “… the three cleared players are seeking a $30 million settlement and reforms in the legal process, a person close to the case said Friday. They players plan to file a lawsuit next week if their terms are not met, the source added.” This is going to be interesting.

Outspoken Roman out.

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