Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Boston Globe endorses McCain and Obama

The Boston Globe has (not surprisingly) endorsed as Presidential Candidates for their respective parties John McCain and Barack Obama in a story published on 15 December (story is here). In part the story states that McCain is honest (which means critical at times of President Bush) and also has this little ditty:
As a lawmaker and as a candidate, McCain has done more than his share to transcend partisanship and promote an honest discussion of the problems facing the United States. He deserves the opportunity to represent his party in November's election.
This should not be surprising and should not be anything that McCain should be happy about. Any endorsement from a liberal mag like the Boston Globe is not a reward for any conservative credentials but actually is noting where the candidate bucks the Republican party planks which again is not something McCain should be proud of. The Globe wants the candidate that best represents its views and it is not Mitt or Rudi or Ron Paul, but John McCain on the Republican side? What does that say about McCain's policies that he has the support from the Globe. What is next, endorsement from the NY Times? This should be the kiss of death for a Republican candidate rather than something to crow about.

Also Joe Lieberman has endorsed John McCain. So we have a Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate endorsing McCain. Another reason not to vote McCain as you have to wonder why a liberal Democrat like Lieberman would be supporting a Republican like McCain over someone like Chris Dodd or Hillary? Is it all about the war to Lieberman?

Well so much for taking the Outspoken Roman's advice. The NY Times is reporting that McCain is seeking to leverage the Globe's endorsement (and others) into attracting independent voters to his campaign. The story states:
Senator John McCain, seeking to capitalize on a string of highly sought newspaper endorsements, is making an aggressive push to attract independent voters, who helped drive his victory here eight years ago.

(It) is the string of recent endorsements from The Des Moines Register, The Manchester Union Leader, The Boston Globe and other newspapers that has helped energize the campaign just two weeks before the first nominating contests.
Let me be clear. These endorsements are not a good thing for McCain who is a war hero and has done so much for his country. But to be honest (to quote Jay Severin, a local talk radio host) it is time for him to get his gold watch and retire. He has fought many a good fight but he is not the standard bearer the Republican Party needs for 2008 and beyond. His views are against free speech and are at times even liberal and why would any self respecting liberal vote for John McCain when there are a slew of liberals running as Democrats? Answer is they won't.

Outspoken Roman

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