Monday, December 3, 2007

The return of Don Imus

Don Imus back on the air - Yahoo! News

So as the story above notes, Don Imus returned to the airwaves today. Truth be told I liked the Imus show and much preferred it over the other local chat shows (although I did like Scotto on WRKO but he was removed to make room for a criminal who wanted a talk show - go figure.) Anyway I had written earlier what on the remarks of Don Imus and the aftermath and didn't think he should be banned from radio and I guess seeing that he is back, he must have paid his dues by being away from the microphone and saying he is sorry.

But it was interesting that the Yahoo story notes that while his crew remains somewhat the same, he has brought on some new cast members:
Don Imus returned to the airwaves Monday eight months after he was fired for a racially charged remark about the Rutgers women's basketball team, and introduced a new cast that included two black comedians.
One thing I have never considered is that Imus is stupid and it was interesting to say the least to hear that with expanding his cast to include black comedians, he is still in a sense placating the community that was so outraged by his comments, inflamed in my opinion by Rev Sharpton and others who exploit issues such as this for their own gain (similar to what we saw in the Duke Lacrosse rape case). Why would Imus hire black comedians otherwise? Isn't this just a shameless attempt to continue the appeasement? The Imus I remember would not be such a rear end kisser.

It is sort of coincidence that I was watching HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm on DVD last night and watched the episode from the first season where Larry David makes a joke about affirmative action to a black doctor and spends the entire episode justifying his liberalism, his support for affirmative action and for apologizing to many of the episodes black characters. He is called on the carpet as the show Seinfeld had few if any black members in the cast (and not regulars that I can recall but the cook at the diner where the characters would eat). I think there is something to this as it demonstrates that Larry David is a racist as he didn't include any black characters in Seinfeld (forgetting for a moment that this show is developed on himself and people he knew). Maybe he should pull an Imus and Computer generate some characters to put on the DVD releases of the Seinfeld series to insulate himself from attacks on his racial sensitivities. Come to think of it, I don't recall many white members on The Cosby Show - but I suppose that is a different issue all together.

Welcome back Imus - we will miss you.

Outspoken Roman

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