Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Left and Katrina - still on-going

Michelle Malkin has a great set of articles on the "riot" that happened in New Orleans as protesters raised hell over the planned demolition of various public housing units. Including the most recent post of a protester telling a "white boy" to "shut up". Malkin notes:
(one rioter shouted) “I will not be treated like a slave!” and “Back up and Shut up! Shut up, white boy! Shut up, white boy!” at a citizen attending the council hearing. Watch closely and note that there is a child behind her being subjected to her diatribe against the man. She’s your tax dollars at work.
Malkin notes that the woman yelling about being treated like a slave is actually Sharon Jasper that was profiled in an article on the New Orleans Times-Picayune which showcased the slum that she was living in, complete with a 60 inch tv and I guess one of the reasons she is angry is that she was hit with a high utility bill. I mean those plasma screens do consume the electricity right? But Michelle and others have noted that absolute inanity of this riot (including the fact that most of the protesters were not from New Orleans and that this was an attempt to move folks away from the public trough (perish the thought!). Also Malkin notes how ABC News removed the "white boy" language, instead noting that Sharon Jasper was just talking to a man (see the caption at the ABC News Website here). So what is my point right?

Here is the image from ABC News and Sharon Jasper is the woman with the headband on (notionally talking to a man) but actually with her daughter on the left telling the "white boy" to "shut up". Take a look at the black shirt that Sharon Jasper is wearing. It says from my vantage point "WANTED FOR MASS MURDER" and has photos of President Bush, Secretary of State Rice and others presumably in the current Presidential cabinet. So I don't presume any impartiality there. So I had to find out what exactly the shirt says so I Googled the T-shirt and found this link that actually had the shirt for display (bigger image here).

So here is the image that Sharon Jasper is wearing. This crazy crap is actually a common belief on the left today and one of their biggest problems - the inability to present anything other than their side good, my side evil. Mass Murder as part of the Katrina Fiasco? That is so ludicrous but unfortunately folks are easily led to believe the absolute worst about someone, especially when that person is a political enemy and open to ad hominem attacks by racial hucksters who exploit part of this country's past to showcase not where this country has done good but where it has fallen from the vision its founders imagined. Note of course the left are the same ones who advocate non-judgmental "ism" and of course peace and tolerance. As long as you agree with the left I guess. This is shameful that this woman either believes this tripe or is being used by people who actually thrive on racial discord and smear attacks. It is interesting that this woman has actually been the recipient of this president's largess through the Government support programs that she is enjoying (along with the apartment to house that fancy new TV) but instead of saying thank you, she wears a ridiculous shirt that showcases not her "cutting edge social commentary" but her lack of appreciation for the leadership of this country and its handouts to her as well as her indoctrination into the lunancy of the left.

To wit, the Democratic Underground has taken up the cause of how cool the T-shirt is. Discussion thread to Democratice Underground is here but warning, it is a real loony site and you may be lured to spending hours on this site trying to figure out what the hell went wrong with these people.

Outspoken Roman

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