Sunday, January 20, 2008

Church and State again!!!

Ok after my last brillant post on the hypocrisy of the left and the separation of Church and State thing (and my commentary on how the left gives a blind eye to the left's use of the pulpit while excoriating the Right) I see this story again, from Yahoo News via the AP.
Barack Obama called Sunday for unity to overcome the country's problems and acknowledged that "none of our hands are clean" when it comes to healing divisions...Obama took to the pulpit at Martin Luther King Jr.'s Ebenezer Baptist Church on the eve of the federal holiday marking the civil rights hero's birth 79 years ago. He based his speech on King's quote that "Unity is the great need of the hour."
Why the hubbub over Mitt Romney's mormonism and nothing about the use of the pulpit to push (quite frankly) a political message. I wonder if the Republican's were invited to speak as well.

Unity is not our greatest need and diversity is not our greatest strength. I wish people would stop saying that (usually it is said to make everyone feel good). Our greatest strength is our belief in self reliance and the dream that in this country an individual can access all that American has to offer if he or she is willing to work hard and persevere. We live in the freest nation in the world with the best form of government (representative republic) and with all our flaws we still have such great bounty and promise in this country (regardless of how you feel about President Bush). Sure it would be nice to be united say in the War, but if the next President brings the troops home, how do you think all those Americans that bore sacrifices to support the war will feel? Unity is a tall order (but I am sorry - I don't believe the Left wants unity - unless you agree with them that is).

I have to catch up on the news and see how the heck McCain won in South Carolina. I am also hearing that finishing so badly in SC could be the end of Huckabee. Stay tuned as these are the times that will continue to try our souls.

Outspoken Roman.

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