Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Giuliani exits race, endorses McCain - Yahoo! News

Giuliani exits race, endorses McCain - Yahoo! News

I already discussed this last night but again, it is official - Rudy is out of the race and has thrown his support to McCain. I have heard Rush Limbaugh many times say that if McCain gets the nomination, the Republican Party will be "destroyed" quoted most recently on CBS News here.

In thinking about that, I almost think that no matter who the nominee, the Republican Party will be changed. Giuliani had his merits but also was not certainly the most conservative candidate (pro-choice, did not support amendment to define and protect marriage, for civil unions, supported the ban on assault weapons). Certainly the current President has been no conservative and I believe that no matter who the nominee and eventual next President, the Government will be less conservative. The scary part is the question "will the country follow?" I hope not as getting back from the "Road to Serfdom" which seems to be the current bill of goods being sold to the American people is a prescription for disaster.

Oh and John Edwards - good riddance. I could never take that snake oil salesman seriously. Here is a guy worth millions preaching to us about our carbon footprint, the downtrodden and the other America that is made up of people unlike him and how we need to sacrifice more. I didn't buy it in 2004 and don't buy it now.


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