Monday, January 7, 2008

Pregnant Teens want Maternity Leave.

Update - Full Denver Post story here.

If I were John Stossel, I would call this post "Give Me A Break!". Fox News is reporting a story that has this headline:"Pregnant High School Students in Denver Ask for Maternity Leave". I of course believe that this is not unexpected as this society has decided that no one should be penalized for making bad choices (like not engaging in sex until the couple is ready to deal with any consequences including pregnancy). Case in point the following quote from the Fox News story:
Two of the school's counselors told the school board last month that the current policy is unfair and inconsiderate..."My initial reaction is if we are punishing girls like that, that is unacceptable," Nicole Head, one of the counselors who brought the matter to the school board last month, told The Post. "We've got to do something."
Actually we do need to do something. We need to explain to children that they should keep their clothes on, legs closed, pants unzipped, etc and explain that society cannot continually pay the price for an individual's bad choices. I know this sounds harsh but change is harsh and "forcing" someone to experience the repercussions of their actions is harsh. Explaining to someone that there isn't a big beneficent government or sugar daddy that will pay for our personal mistakes is a good start in getting things to change. There are no shortages of flyers that inform children about how to put a condom on a banana and why being gay is normal and how crappy the United States was to the American Indians and how President Bush is a fascist so I find it hard to believe that there can't be a few pamphlets given to students to show how far behind the curve having a baby when you are teenager (out of wedlock) puts you.

Stay tuned - Government Day Care is next on the requested list as well as free health care and all the other goodies that most everyone else has to pay for by working as a member of a productive society. This is not meant to cast dispersions on the teenagers involved (and I applaud them for keeping their babies but I would rather see them give the babies up for adoption so they can be raised in more stable environments) but nothing will change until we as a society get back to adopting a sense of decorum and shame and control over the "if it feels good, do it" mentality. We cannot afford this road that we are on unless the end goal is to become serfs to the Government who hands out all our goodies that are mislabeled as "rights". Universal Health Care anyone?

The girls should unfortunately, work something out where they can remain in school while pregnant, work during off school hours or during the summer or something like that which will show that the society is supportive but requires the individuals to give something as well (weekends, sports, after school activities, etc.) and this should not be celebrated but given the support any sort of hardship is given. The new moms should continue their studies (tutors?) so they are not given a handout (maternity leave) but are forced to face the reality of their situation and finally the new mothers should be encouraged to continue their education and not rely on the Government dole as the Government cannot provide for everybody. Self Reliance, family and church support are the routes I would hope are followed, not someone pointing to the local, state and federal Governments demand services for choices that were (again unfortunately) of a personal nature.

I know that sounds cruel but I do not wish this girls and newborns any ill. Where else will change begin?

Outspoken Roman

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