Monday, November 24, 2008

If you are not with us, you are against us

So we have the new blacklist being prepared and it is being developed by folks who cry McCarthyism and are defenders of free speech. What do I mean? Case in point - Scott Eckern who is the artistic director for the California Musical Theatre. The Miami Herald reports that Eckern "resigned Wednesday as a growing number of artists threatened to boycott the organization because of his $1,000 donation to the campaign to ban gay marriage in California."

The full story, found at the Sacramento Bee stated that "Despite support from many in the local community who valued his contributions and championed his right to free speech, Eckern decided he could no longer be effective as the creative force behind the area's largest producing and presenting performing arts organization."

So after finding his dream job, Eckern followed his conscience to donate to a cause that he believed in (the preservation of traditional marriage). He obviously did his job well but with all the clamor that erupted after his donation was broadcast on many anti Proposition 8 websites, he decided to resign to "to protect the organization and to help the healing in the local theater-going and creative community" as reported in the Sacramento Bee story. This was after a boycott of the theater was called for by some in the arts community. Real tolerant!!

So what do we learn from this? A purge is going on to attack anyone who doesn't toe the party line. In this case it is not anti communists who are pushing some agenda but the gay activists and their supporters who are trolling through communities looking for signs of "intolerance" and "homophobia" and "anti-progressive" ideas. Instead of accepting differences (diversity of thought) the gay activists and their brethren and forcing their agenda down the county's throat with violence and of course with intimidation. I already wrote about the elderly woman who was attacked by gay activists for her opposition to gay marriage. Where will this end? Well it will end one of two ways, gays getting their way through intimidation, judicial fiat or violence or it will end with communities at each other's throats with the traditional values and beliefs being the spoils of the "war". This is a war and one that is being pushed by the extreme homosexual groups who should be wary of the fights they choose to pick.

By the way, Scott Eckern has a sister who is a lesbian but that didn't buy him any consideration from the opponents of Prop 8. The battle for the hearts and minds of this country continues.


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