Thursday, November 6, 2008

Looking ahead to an Obama Presidency.

Well, this should be a real interesting 4 years. I wonder if we could all take some sort of morning after pill and wake up from this radical change in America's direction.

Anyway - the Boston Globe has a story titled "Checking racism's postelection pulse". The gist of the story is since we now have elected an African American president, is racism dead. My response - of course not. Sorry to say this but there are too many people who make money off of racial racketeering and fear mongering and maligning this country for racism ever to be declared dead. What would Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do with themselves?

The story quotes Demetrius Calhoun, a resident of Roxbury as saying "You think because he's president, automatically black people are going to have plenty of jobs and plenty of money? He can't just go and do that."

Did I miss the speech where Obama noted he was going to give out money and jobs to black people? I heard the spreading the wealth around comment but this was new. Secondly, is racism the only cause for anyone not to have money and a job?

So as we are all navel gazing and trying to understand why racism is not dead recall that according to the Washington-based Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (the nation's leading think tank on African-American issues) "84 percent of African Americans prefer Barack Obama over John McCain." Why aren't there stories about the surge in racism against the white candidate (John McCain) in the black community? Hello - CNN? If 84% of White America had voted against Obama, not only would we be electing a different president, we would not be having these conversations about the possible death of racism, but about the continuation of this sordid practice.

I am waiting for the stories as to why Obama enjoyed such popularity? Was it about race? Does Fox News, ABC or CBS have the guts to look at that question? Probably not.

Change is here.


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