Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thomas Sowell on the right to approval

Yeah it is election day and hopefully everyone is going out to vote but articles like this just need to be discussed.

Dr. Thomas Sowell, writing on National Review's website has it once again - just dead right. Writing about gay marriage Sowell notes:
Some local election campaigns in various states are using that tactic this year, trying to get special privileges through affirmative-action quotas or through demands that the definition of marriage be changed to suit homosexuals.

Equality of rights does not mean equality of results. I can have all the equal treatment in the world on a golf course and I will not finish within shouting distance of Tiger Woods.

Sowell is right!! This country was not founded on the guarantee of equal outcome, just equal rights and equal opportunity under the Constitution. And there is no 'right to marry'. He continues:
The argument that current marriage laws “discriminate” against homosexuals confuses discrimination against people with making distinctions among different kinds of behavior.

All laws distinguish among different kinds of behavior. What other purpose does law have?

While people may be treated the same, all their behaviors are not. Laws that forbid bicycles from being ridden on freeways obviously have a different effect on people who have bicycles but no cars.

But this is not discrimination against a person. The cyclist who gets into a car is just as free to drive on the freeway as anybody else.

Sowell them takes to task the misconstrued fact of equality and what it does and does not mean for the gay community.

The question is not whether gays should be permitted to marry. Many gays have already married people of the opposite sex. Conversely, heterosexuals who might want to marry someone of the same sex in order to make some point will be forbidden to do so, just as gays are.

The real issue is whether marriage should be redefined — and, if for gays, why not for polygamists? Why not for pedophiles?

This is the real issue that no one wants to talk about. There are plenty of sexual deviants who will be just waiting to take advantage of this legal loophole to push their personal agenda on America. What is wrong with polygamy that the arguments for gay marriage don't address? What is wrong with pedophilia that the same arguments don't apply?

I agree with Sowell. There is a functional structure that is traditional marriage that was based on the foundation of raising children (you know how the human plumbing works?). Anything else should not get nor deserve any sort of sanctity by the US Government.


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