Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back in 2009

Yeah, it has been a while since I chimed in. With the holidays and the absolute giddiness of having Obama installed as the next President has kept me from ranting because everything is fine and dandy. Right? There is no more conflict in the world (except for the many ongoing hostilities such as those over in the mid East in Gaza). We have seen how Obama’s cabinet is shaping up and of course it is completely changed from past administrations right – except for Panetta, Clinton, and many of the other Democrat retreads that we are getting in lieu of “change” (or as change?).

I am not in a bad mood though because currently we are reaping what we have sown.  I think it seems obvious that this country will continue to have its priorities backward with regard to the role of Government until we are close to bankrupting the country. I was listening to Jay Severin the other day and he had a great call from a woman with a handicapped child who couldn’t get any help in meeting mortgage payments (she was hoping to defer the interest only until she could get back on her feet) and Jay mentioned the current Obama nominee for Secretary of the Treasury (Timothy F. Geithner) and his tax problems (failure to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes) and how screwed around this country is. This is the nominee for Treasury Secretary and he owes back taxes? The Washington Post quotes Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (a Republican) as saying “I don't think we can get a better person for this position. . . . He has the kind of background that should be very helpful to us at this time." You mean there is no one else out there who has paid his taxes that can address our economic issues. Really? So back to Jay Severin – why can’t the woman who needs mortgage interest relief get similar consideration? Does anyone think Timothy F. Geithner will face charges and fines for his delinquency?

The call to Jay Severin ended with the woman stating that she might change her status to ‘illegal alien’ so she could get some help with her handicapped child and finances since apparently the US Government hasn’t helped so far (or the state government of New Hampshire). Is anyone else bothered and infuriated at how well we treat criminals (illegal aliens) and how badly we treat our own people?

What is Obama’s solution – my guess is his administration will continue to focus on the illegal aliens – recall in July 2008 he stated to supporters in Powder Springs, Georgia:

“I don’t understand when people are going around worrying about, we need to have English only. They want to pass a law, we just, we want English only,”

“Now, I agree that immigrants should learn English, I agree with this. But understand this, instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English, they’ll learn English, you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish.”

Why? What languages do you speak sir? This is madness.

Outspoken Roman

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