Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rush Limbaugh vs CNN

Campbell Brown over at CNN has issued a challenge to Rush Limbaugh to debate tax cuts with CNN's chief business correspondent, Ali Velshi. On a commentary posted to the CNN site Ms. Brown states "Mr. Limbaugh, you may well have a legitimate case to make about tax cuts and what they can do for the economy. But the histrionics and name-calling, they undermine anything constructive you might have to say."

Limbaugh called Velshi (on his website) "incompetent" and "a disservice to your business". But what Ms. Brown fails to note in her commentary is that Velshi was asked  to respond to the following quote from Rush's Op-Ed "'Tax cuts are the surest and quickest way to create permanent jobs. We know that when tax rates are cut in a recession, it brings an economy back." Velshi responds by saying "This is not the economy that Ronald Reagan ever saw! We have not seen anything like this in our lifetime. Anybody who tells you this is how it works, is lying. We don't know how it works. We have never seen anything like this before."

Interesting that Ms Brown didn't point out that Velshi called Limbaugh a liar in her obviously holier than thou commentary on CNN's website. Maybe before Ms Brown lectures the rest of the media about histironics and name calling she should start cleaning up her "side"  first.

Outspoken Roman

1 comment:

  1. It was nice to see your blog.Just Keep Writing!

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