Monday, January 19, 2009

A scary precedent no matter what

Fox News reports that the child named "Adolf Hitler" and his two sisters (apparently also with Nazi names) have been removed from their home in New Jersey. This is the same tyke who was denied a personalized birthday cake (Happy Birthday Adolph Hitler) when his mother requested it from a local supermarket (story again thanks to Fox News). The cake order was refused because it was "inappropriate". What a riot – could a supermarket deny a lesbian couple a cake because they (the manager?) thought it was inappropriate? Not that I think Adolph Hitler is a smashing name (I don't) but can't we have a little tolerance here (a wee bit of a joke there).

Anyway back to the current ruckus involving little Adolph. No details were given as to why the children were taken from their parents (the local police chief, Sgt. John Harris, where the family lives is quoted as saying ""I've dealt with the family for years and as far as the children are concerned, I have never had any reports of any abuse with the children, … As far as I know, he's always been very good with the children".

The Division of Youth and Family Services rep quoted in the Fox News story did comment that "decision to remove a child is based on the safety and well being of the child and the risk to that child, and that decision is made in conjunction with the courts and the county family court judge." So I am really interested in hearing the justification for this case. Although there is some talk later in the story about potential bullying due to the name, I am very concerned with the state inserting itself into a family's personal decisions (including naming their children a really stupid name).

The government always uses the "welfare of the child" to justify these sorts of actions and one can imagine well intentioned government types coming in and yanking kids out based on names such as Ronald Reagan or George Bush (after all it might lead to bullying in this brave new age). From what I can see, the parents have done nothing "wrong" but have made some really strange and questionable choices. Is it the Government's role to interfere and 'take over' the parenting responsibilities of families if it (the Government) disagrees with what are arguably personal choices? What is next, the Government taking over the auto industry…?

Oh right – that is already happening. We have set up a slippery slope indeed and are beginning or descent.


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