Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blacks and Whites Continue to Differ Sharply on Obama

Over at the Gallup website (Drudge has it also on his Twitter feed) there is a new study that shows a split decision on Obama's approval rating split along racial lines.

The story states "President Obama's job approval rating averaged 88% among blacks and 38% among whites in July, a 50-percentage-point difference that has been consistent in recent months but is much larger than in the initial months of the Obama presidency. Obama's job approval ratings among blacks, whites, and Hispanics in July are all at their lowest levels to date, although the overwhelming majority of blacks still approve."

So with all the race talk in the air, let's throw this out there. How many people believe that the 38% approval rating for the President among whites is due to racism? I wonder what the NAACP would say? Well if you answer is yes - it is probably due to racism I would ask then what do you think about the approval rating of 88% among blacks? Why does Obama enjoy such a high approval rating from this segment of the population? Dare I say due to race? Wouldn't that be racist?

We are constantly told that the Tea Party movement is racist because it is against Obama and those that oppose healthcare are racists. Shirley Sherrod stated "You know, I haven't seen such a mean-spirited people as I've seen lately over this issue of health care. Some of the racism we thought was buried. Didn't it surface?" So how about all the people that support health care - are they racists as well? Certainly all the folks that were against Hillarycare during the Clinton years were not racist?

Bottom line - If the thesis is that Obama is protested partly because of his race, Obama is supported by some people solely because of his race. Yeah - they are racists.

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