Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stallone and real men win

So over at, I was happy to see that Stallone's awesome action flick (no I haven't seen it, I just hope it is awesome) beat Eat, Pray, Love with Julia Roberts. I noted previously that Stallone was quoted as saying "...I believe that everything is a cycle. And once again America will have its cinematic heroes reflect the incredible honor it is to be defending the most extraordinary country the planet has ever known. Just give it time, everything is a cycle."

Yeah everything is a cycle and it would be nice to have a Die Hard type movie back that actually shows guys that actual kick everyone's a$$ while saving the world and also gets the lady in the end. The pure genius of Bruce Willis' character in Die Hard was that he was an everyman that actually was outmatched and outgunned and won - without crazy martial arts, massive special effects and was not afraid to be human and "a man".

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