Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bush Campaign Chief and Former RNC Chair, Ken Mehlman: I'm Gay - Politics - The Atlantic

I found this interesting not because Ken Mehlman has declared that he is gay although I thought it odd the story puts that "Mehlman arrived at this conclusion about his identity fairly recently...". I thought it was something that you know early (whether or not you are gay)...anyway that is not what I thought interesting.

The article (posted at the Atlantic Website) outlines prominent right wingers that are supportive of Gay Rights including Dick Cheney (one of Left's the most hated people) and Mary Matalin. The story quotes Ed Gillespie as noting that these folks haven't been kicked out of the party and the Republican party shows its big tent philosophy on issues such as this - and it is a struggle at times to deal with the conflicting views on issues such as this internal to a party. But where is the big tent of the Democrat party? Wouldn't that show a little open mindedness on their part? Where are the pro-life Dems for example? Why do the Republicans have to go out of their way to show their many colored tent when no one asks or looks for the Dems to show their own inclusiveness.

The bottom line is that the Left/Dems are not inclusive. They are open to ideas that they all agree with - and are more unified in their positions (i.e. left of center politics and abject socialist tendencies). Republicans don't get any credit for showing how inclusive they are and the Dems don't get any credit for their single minded ideas. It is too bad the Media is so in the tank for the Dems to notice the hypocrisy.

Bush Campaign Chief and Former RNC Chair, Ken Mehlman: I'm Gay - Politics - The Atlantic

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