Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Additional info on Spitzer's party affiliation

I am a huge fan of Rush Limbaugh and have tuned in since college in the 1990's. I recall him saying that when he got famous, he gained an additional name or caveat whenever he was mentioned in the media - Rush Limbaugh "Conservative" or "Conservative Commentator" Rush Limbaugh. Everyone knew his political leanings when he had the problems with painkiller abuse and doctor shopping allegations.

I already posted today on the lack of the "D" (for democrat) assigned to disgraced Governor Spitzer but everyone is picking this up and I read another great Essay on Newsbusters that I thought was worth noting.

Entitled "Eliot Spitzer - A Man Without A Party" it states in part:
On Monday afternoon, the Big Three Networks (NBC, ABC and CBS) and the Associated Press led the charge of the wall-to-wall coverage of the breaking news that Spitzer was involved with an interstate prostitution ring. And with near unanimity they failed to mention that Spitzer is a Democrat.
The author (Seton Motley) is dead on. Read the rest of the post here.
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