Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fall of a Governor whose party affiliation is unknown.

As a transplanted New Yorker I have always been interested in the political happenings in Albany. This crap with Eliot Spitzer's resignation does show a self-destructive tendency in a politician, an arrogance of power and a potential security leak as Spitzer exhibited morally corruptible that would expose him to potential blackmail. He has apparently a loving family and I can only wonder what his wife and children feel as his image is forever tarnished. He was by accounts tough on crime like prostitution while engaging in the behavior that his public personae seemed so tough on.

But, did you know he was a Democrat? I just got the AP News story about his resignation (can be found here) and there is not one mention of his party affiliation. The story states:
New York Governor Eliot Spitzer resigned from office Wednesday, succumbing to threats of impeachment and mounting media pressure over his involvement in a career-ending prostitution scandal.

Speaking to reporters in New York, where he had been holed up since news of his involvement with a high-end call girl ring emerged on Monday, Spitzer said he had failed to live up to the standards expected of public officials.

"Over the course of my public life I have insisted, I believe correctly, that people regardless of their position or power take responsibility for their conduct," Spitzer told reporters in New York, flanked by his wife.

"I can and will ask no less of myself. For his reason I am resigning from the office of governor," effective from Monday, an ashen-faced Spitzer said

"I cannot allow my private failings to disrupt the people's work," he added. Spitzer, the one-time "Sheriff of Wall Street," would on Monday formally hand over to Lieutenant Governor David Paterson, who would become the state's first black governor and the first blind governor in US history.

All good news, all tragic and compelling but where was the mention of his party affiliation. Why did we all know Larry Craig's party affiliation? As a matter of fact, even in a blog at the Washington Post, the writer actually goes out of his way to not mention Spitzer is a Democrat. The blog post goes something like this:

While the political world is riveted by the Eliot Spitzer drama and the question of whether he will resign his governorship, similarly scandal-tarred Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho.) is still in Congress, still doing his work and still fighting to overturn his guilty plea.

Larry Craig who was involved in a "similar scandal" (i.e. involving sex) was a Republican. Did you all know that? Spitzer - who knows, who cares. Sex scandals only happen to those Republican hypocrites right?

Wrong. Remember Bill Clinton???


Update - Newsbusters has posted a great transcript/video of Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center taking on the media who decided no one needed to know Spitzer was a Dem. Do I dare say great minds think alike?

Excerpt from Newsbusters:
BOZELL: ABC and then NBC "Nightly News" two days ago, not once mentioned that he was a Democrat. "Good Morning America," not once mentioned that he was a Democrat. ABC nightly news, not once mentioned that he was a Democrat. CBS, one mention on the nightly news, no mention on the morning news. AP did a three-paragraph breaking story, never mentioned that he was a Democrat, then they came out with a full story, never mentioned that he was a Democrat. Last night, NBC, never mentioned he was a Democrat. Last night, ABC never mentioned that he was a Democrat. It is unbelievable.
Note that although my post was completely original, Bozell is on target!! H/T to Newsbusters.


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